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How to Get Rid of Beard Dandruff

Beard dandruff is a problem that most men would rather not discuss. Regular dandruff is bad enough, but beard dandruff can be particularly embarrassing. In some cases, men will forgo growing a beard, so they don’t have to suffer from the embarrassment.

While it may be hard to believe, beard dandruff is actually a common problem amongst men. It is also a problem that is typically easily treated. Today, we will give you the lowdown about beard dandruff and the best ways to treat it. For more life hacks such as this, check out the Dr. Squatch blog.

Dandruff is Not Limited to Your Scalp

Some of you are probably wondering how one develops beard dandruff, and it’s a reasonable question. There are a couple of common reasons for beard dandruff. The first is known as seborrheic dermatitis, which is a common skin condition experienced by over 3 million people each year.

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a superficial fungus that thrives in the sebaceous glands. The two most common places that the fungus attacks are your scalp and your face. These are the places of your body that are the oiliest. This condition causes skin flaking and patches white or yellow scales. It is often accompanied by skin redness and itching.

The other common cause of beard dandruff is simple dry skin. If you have naturally dry skin or you have a problem with skin dryness during certain times of the year, you will likely have dry skin underneath your beard. If you are experiencing beard dandruff without any redness or other symptoms associated with seborrheic dermatitis, you probably just have dry skin.

For a concrete diagnosis, your best course of action is to see a dermatologist. They can pinpoint what the problem is and give you the best course of treatment. However, there are a few things you can do for self-care.

Steps for Treating Beard Dandruff

Now that you have a general idea of what may be causing your beard dandruff, you can take steps to eliminate it. Luckily, most forms of dandruff are treatable at home, and you can often reverse dandruff in just a few months of treatment.

Below are some steps you should take to treat your beard dandruff:

Exfoliate – Dandruff is dead skin cells that are flaking off of your face. Standard bathing may not be enough to remove these cells adequately, so you need to exfoliate. Start by purchasing a beard brush, preferably with soft bristles, to help remove some of the excess cells and oils from your skin causing dandruff.

Washing Your Beard – Some people make the mistake of treating their beard differently than their hair. Natural soaps may not be adequate to wash your beard hair. If you are not using a shampoo for your beard, then you need to start doing so. Natural shampoos are best as harsh chemicals in commercially-produced shampoo may make skin irritation worse.

Make sure to massage the shampoo into your skin and leave it in there a couple of minutes before rinsing out. Abstain from using hot water to rinse out your beard as this may irritate your skin further.

Conditioner – You’ve probably never considered using conditioner on your beard, but it is a good idea, especially if it is a moisturizing conditioner. Like your hair, you should not wash your beard every day. In between washings, a good natural condition like Dr. Squatch natural conditioner will help to keep your beard clean. The moisturizing agents in conditioner will also help reduce and relieve dandruff.

Use Beard Oil – If you’re not already using an natural beard oil, then it is time to start. Conditioner will help keep your beard clean and has a moisturizing component, but it does not soak into the hairs of your beard like natural beard oil does. Using a beard oil will keep your beards feeling soft and provide additional moisturization for your face.

You Can Beat Beard Dandruff

Beard dandruff is not a fun problem to deal with, but it is one that can be dealt with through persistence and sticking to the right plan. Once you start noticing beard dandruff, go ahead and devise a plan for treating it.

If you choose to go the self-care route, realize that the problem will not resolve entirely overnight. You will be able to reduce the appearance of dandruff quickly; clearing it may take a few weeks. Many people are successful in using self-care treatment.

Should you fail to notice an improvement through self-care or if your beard dandruff symptoms become worse, then you will need to see a dermatologist for another opinion. On occasion, the underlying skin condition causing your dandruff may be a skin reaction to an allergen. A doctor or dermatologist can best pinpoint this.

Beard dandruff may be a bit embarrassing but realize that you are not alone in this problem. By taking steps to treat beard dandruff, you can eliminate it and enjoy a full, healthy beard free from flakes.

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