06:30 Grooming & Personal CareSquatch Men: Lifestyle

How to Grow and Style a Mustache

We’re slap bang in the middle of Movember, so what better time is there to talk about the mighty mustache. If you’ve been thinking about growing a handlebar ‘tache or a pencil ‘mo, the time is most certainly ripe. Why? Because you’ll be joining countless other men from across the world help raise awareness of men’s health issues. Here at Dr. Squatch we take men’s health seriously, that’s precisely why we create natural soap that nourishes your skin and doesn’t harm you or the environment, so Movember definitely has our vote. Hell, even if November is months past or away by the time you read this, growing a mustache is still something every man should do at some point in their life, a rite of passage you might say. Being the helpful folks we are, here are five essential steps to take on your path to growing a ‘tache to be proud of.


Shape Up Your Style

First up, before you start shaving or snipping that hair off your face, size up what type of mustache is going to suit the shape of your face and your facial features best. For example, if you have a small round face you’ll want to keep your mustache small and thin to compliment it. If you have a large square face you could grow your mustache thicker and longer with defined straight edges. Also factor in the size of your lips. With thin lips you can grow a larger mustache to make your upper lip seem stronger and add volume to your face. For thick lips think the opposite way, with a small neat mustache that doesn’t add volume. To give you some idea of different styles, check out the American Mustache Institute Style Guide.

Razor First, Scissor Trim Second

Cultivating a fine mustache is much like growing a plant, it needs daily attention and care, pruning and watering, or moisturizing in the case of a ‘mo. But before we get into caring for your upper lip bristle, a mustache has to be grown first. The best way to start is by shaving your face as you normally would and letting your chosen mustache grow out. Beard trimmers can be used during the initial stage to keep your ‘tache in check, but graduate to a pair of good quality facial hair scissors and gently trim your blooming mustache to keep it defined around the edges of your mouth. If you already have a bushy beard then you can get straight to trimming with scissors once you’ve shaved the rest of your facial hair off. Also, always trim your ‘mo when it’s dry, because wet hair will lie flat and appear longer, meaning you could end up cutting off more than you really want to.


Treat it Like Your Hair Up Top

Once your mustache has taken shape you need to keep it clean and care for it. Just like the hair on the top of your head, your ‘mo needs to be washed and conditioned if you want it to be clean and healthy. Being so close to you mouth, a ‘tache is likely to pick up some food during the course of a day. It’s also just below you nose, so a booger or two might find a new home in there. A daily shampoo followed by a conditioner will keep your mustache looking and smelling fresh.

Don’t Let it Dry Out

The last thing you want it is to have a mustache that repels the lover in your life because it feels like sandpaper scraping across their skin. That hair on your top lip will suck up moisture from your skin, and the only way to keep your skin and mustache soft is by moisturizing. The added benefit of this is that also you, or anyone else for that matter, are less likely to spot white flakes of dry skin in your ‘mo. At this stage you should also pick yourself up a mustache comb. Apply a little moisturizer each day, using your fingers to get it to the hair roots and skin, then brush through your ‘tache with your shiny new mustache comb.

It’s Nothing Without Wax

The finishing touch that every mustache deserves is being treated to some special mustache wax. This will help to lock in the moisture, and will also let you shape your mustache. Once you’ve applied some wax, comb through your mustache so that the wax is spread out and applied evenly. The longer your ‘tache gets, the more often you’ll need to break out the wax, and it’s great for creating twists and curls at each end.






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