06:00 Grooming & Personal CareMan Stuff

Beard or No Beard? Should you Go Smooth Like A Baby’s Behind Or Rough Like Grizzly Adams?

Pictured: Grizzly Adams (Courtesy: Dan Haggerty/Facebook)

Santa Claus. Grizzly Adams. Zach Galifianakis. What do they all have in common? Well, the answer is pretty simple. These three pop culture icons know how to rock a beard like nobody’s business.

A Guy’s Take On Beards…

For some people, beards are the ultimate symbol of manliness.Unfortunately, not everyone can pull off the look.

“When I don’t shave I’m often mistaken for a homeless person, so therefore I prefer to shave every few days and return as an accepted member of society,” explained Lewis Levine of Savannah, Georgia.

In some countries, beards represent wealth and social status. For some guys–especially in the USA, they believe they look better with facial hair.

“I have a mustache and beard. I keep them both neatly trimmed short and neat. My wife loves it,” stated Mark Urko, a sales manager for AutoZone. “I get compliments about it. I haven’t been clean shaven since my teen years.”

“I think it has become more socially acceptable to have the 5 o’clock shadow, but it is important not to look too disheveled that you come off as unprofessional or uncaring of the importance of big social or business events,” stated Daniel Brownstein, a marketing director.

Beards Throughout History

Throughout history, attitudes towards the “burly man fur” have varied wildly. In ancient India, long beards were seen as a symbol of dignity and wisdom. However, not everyone throughout history has liked facial hair. According to The History Channel, Queen Elizabeth imposed a tax on beards simply because she hated them. Talk about extreme!

In today’s world, many modern women love them–and aren’t afraid to tell the world. Recently, we asked ladies to tell us which do they prefer on guys–beards or a smooth face. Their responses ran the gamut.

What The Ladies Who Are “Pro-Beard” Say:

“I love, love, love beards. I think it’s because my dad has had a beard my whole life, and I grew up thinking that’s what men were “supposed” to look like!” stated Mindy Wadley, a television news producer.

“I love a man with a beard! To me, beards are manly and make a strong statement!” stated Courtney Michelle who works in real estate.

“A close shaved beard shows maturity for me and that a man is in charge,” stated Teela Antwine.

What The Ladies Who Are “Anti-Beard” Say:

Of course, there are some women who find beards a complete and utter turn off.

“Beards are nasty and unclean. Food gets in it, and well, I don’t like the feel of it on me,” stated Pina Arrington of Goose Creek, South Carolina.

“I hate beards that look like armpit hair. It is the biggest immediate turn off, right next to b.o.,” stated Angie Hardy Dorman of Moses Lake, Washington.

“Full beards are not attractive at all. It makes them (guys) look older and homeless,” stated photographer Tiffanie Daudelin.

What A Study Found…

Despite these opposing views, what one study has found just might surprise you.  The study, published in the journal Evolution & Human Behavior, found that full beards and heavy stubble edged out light stubble and the clean-shaven look.

For their research, University of New South Wales professors Barnaby J. Dixson and Rob C. Brooks presented photos of 10 smiling men to 177 heterosexual men and 351 women, according to MedicalXpress. Each man in the photos was shown in four ways — clean-shaven, with five days of beard growth (light stubble), 10 days of growth (heavy stubble), and with a full beard.

The researchers then asked the women and men to rate the men in the photos according to their attractiveness, finding heavy stubble to be the clear winner among women.


“Our findings confirm that beardedness affects judgments of male socio-sexual attributes and suggest that an intermediate level of beardedness is most attractive while full-bearded men may be perceived as better fathers who could protect and invest in offspring,” the researchers concluded in the abstract of their study.

So there you have it, folks. BEARDS RULE!

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