03:00 Squatch Men: Lifestyle

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Real Soap, Real Deal: Why Our Body Wash Is Better

Grooming & Personal Care

You know the line by now…”you’re not a dish, you’re a man!” We’re here to tell you that you’re worthy of a better wash and we’re changing the way y...

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Why Whitening Your Teeth MIGHT Be A Mistake

Grooming & Personal Care Natural Living & Health

Sure, pristine white chompers might be the goal, but are those expensive whitening treatments worth it? Do harsh toothpastes actually do more harm ...

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Hidden Signs You MIGHT Smell Bad (And What To Do About It)

Grooming & Personal Care Natural Living & Health

The creeping anxiety. That haunting feeling. “Wait…do I smell bad?” is something we’ve probably all thought to ourselves at one time or another. Bu...

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Don't Give Her The Ick - MORE Grooming Mistakes Women Hate

Grooming & Personal Care

Real talk...are your grooming mistakes giving her the ick? We all want to look our best and make a good impression, especially with the ladies, and...

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