03:30 Natural Living & Health

Why Use Bar Soap for Washing Hands | Best Germ Protection Soap

Learn why to use bar soap for washing hands. Washing with Dr. Squatch natural soap effectively rids your skin of germs and eliminates virus particles without use of harsh chemicals and detergents.

PSA (Public Squatch Announcement)

Washing your hands with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) has consistently been proven to be the best preventative measure for avoiding illnesses. Everyone knows that you should wash your hands with soap, but most people don’t know exactly how soap works or what to use for the best germ protection soap. 

It’s time to get informed, people – so read on!

How Soap Works

The CDC recommends good old hand-washing with soap and water over using hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes or other disinfectants, which can actually be less effective (more on that later). The amazing preventative properties of soap can be explained with some simple chemistry: 

Soap is an effective cleaner because it’s an Amphiphile, which means that it’s a molecule drawn to both water and fats (including particles of what we think of as “dirt” and “germs”). 

So while one part of the soap molecule binds itself to oily and fatty dirt or “germ” particles, the other part simultaneously binds to water particles, allowing the germs and dirt to be washed away. 

Now more about those germs – a virus is a small ball of genetic matter typically enclosed in a protein shell and a lipid bilayer membrane. Lipids are a type of fat, which means that soap is naturally attracted to virus particles. 

And due to a virus’s weak chemical bonds and thin membrane, soap molecules can easily penetrate it and rupture the membrane wall, leading to the total destruction of the virus.

Soap vs Antibacterial: Best Germ Protection Soap

It’s important to note that you don’t need to wash with so-called “antibacterial” soap, since these are more effective against bacteria than viruses. 

The FDA has reported that antibacterial soaps do not provide more protection against illness than traditional soap formulations. 

Antibacterial soap actually comes along with a bunch of drawbacks, both for you, your skin and the environment. Learn more about the cons of antibacterial soap here. 

The good news is that hand washing with Dr. Squatch natural soap is an easy and effective way to rid your skin of germs and eliminate virus particles without use of harsh chemicals and detergents. Plus, it smells a LOT better, is a lot nicer to you, your skin and the environment and it’s delivered straight to your door! Read more about ways you can help boost your immune system naturally. 

Keep Squatchin’ and stay healthy, Squatch Nation! 

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