
The Top 5 Zombie Movies of All Time

OH SHI*T THEEEYYRRR’EEE HEEERREE! Hell yeah, it’s scary movie season. While there’s never been a better time to post up on the couch with some Postmates and dial up a horror flick, we’re partial to a particular brand: zombie movies. From blood and gore to dystopian future versions to cult classics, we’ve got all the picks to juice that streaming queue just in time for the spookiest time of year. Pop some popcorn, lock the door and let’s start binging. Here. We. GO.


In terms of 80’s cult classics, the insanely gory and ridiculous Re-Animator is about as good as it gets. Perfect for fans of classic gory horror flicks, this story about a mad scientist trying to bring the dead to life will shock and entertain you in the perfect way.

Shaun of the Dead
What do you get when you combine a zombie flick with bone dry British wit? This incredibly funny and underrated gem (co-written by star Simon Pegg) about clueless Londoners avoiding a zombie attack. Part comedy, part horror, Shaun of the Dead is amazingly entertaining and also includes some of director Edgar Wright’s (Baby Driver) signature music/scene mash ups.

28 Days Later
Yes, Danny Boyle’s now legendary zombie film hits pretty close to home in these pandemic times, but it’s so intense and scary in it’s realism that it’s absolutely worth the watch. While not as good, the sequel 28 Weeks later is definitely also worth your time if you’re feeling the vibe.

Train To Busan
Thanks to the success of movies like Snowpiercer and Parasite, in recent years American audiences have come around to how many amazing movies come out of South Korea. While 2014’s Last Train To Busan shares a similar creative feel to those Korean films you’ve probably heard of, it takes it into a whole new level with the best elements of a gory zombie flick and an apocalyptic disaster thriller.

Dawn of the Dead
It’s only fitting to end with what many consider to be the best zombie film of all time, zombie god George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead. While it’s a sequel to the groundbreaking Night of the Living Dead, one of the first true massively successful zombie movies, Dawn of the Dead set a whole new standard. From The Walking Dead to Zombieland (definitely an honorable mention), nearly every zombie movie or tv show owes some sort of debt to this legendary horror movie. Even though it came out in 1978 it still feels scary and suspenseful enough to hold up today. While it’s pretty insane to think that for his first-ever movie Zack Snyder (300, Justice League) chose to remake this classic, but his 2004 version is also very good if you’re interested in extra credit.


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